The Fourth Drink Instinct
She's doesn't deserve to be in a place like this
All alone
She's underage and so very very brave
A fake ID lent her credibility
She sits at the bar
The gents are gonna try so hard
He said it was a one night stand
But the alcohol didn't let her understand
Yeah, he said it was a one night stand
A one night stand
So what made you think
That he couldn't find a door in the morning?
When he found that bed so easily
In the dark
All alone
She's underage and so very very brave
A fake ID lent her credibility
She sits at the bar
The gents are gonna try so hard
He said it was a one night stand
But the alcohol didn't let her understand
Yeah, he said it was a one night stand
A one night stand
So what made you think
That he couldn't find a door in the morning?
When he found that bed so easily
In the dark
Har efter 4 dagars längtan har jag nu dansat Zumba <3
Har även gjort situps och armhävningar emellanåt, eftersom att jag ändå måste andas lite. får så jävla ont i bröstkorgen efter typ 5 min :c
Men men, skitkul är det!
Ska slänga ut hästarna sen, skriver någon intressant senare, I SWEAR
Har även gjort situps och armhävningar emellanåt, eftersom att jag ändå måste andas lite. får så jävla ont i bröstkorgen efter typ 5 min :c
Men men, skitkul är det!
Ska slänga ut hästarna sen, skriver någon intressant senare, I SWEAR