Gerðar (Protector)

Soooo, jag sket i att redigera någon bild, för jag blev småpepp på att skriva lite!

Håller på med en gullig liten grej som jag och min kompis Johanna kom på under ett islandshästridläger. Därför utspelas den på Island. Alla har isländska namn, och det finns lite hästar med som är en ganska viktig del av storyn.

Men japp, tänkte slänga ut ett smakprov! se vad folk tycker, kanske?
Om någon faktiskt läser bloggen, haha. c:

Just det! Kanske ska varna lite. OM DU ÄR HOMOFOB - så vettefan hur du hamna här! stick :c

As Njál glanced over at the short boy riding next to him, he caught a glimpse of a bright smile, something he would never expected to see this early. Memories from the day the two met still haunts Njál’s thoughts and dreams, and watching Glitnir smiling brightly while patting his horse Kvæsir makes him worried, as Njál himself is not the one who is supposed to be the most affected. He kept eyeing the younger boy throughout most of the ride, licking his lips several times, feeling as if he had to say something. Then when Njál hesitantly opened his mouth slightly, his horse started to speed up, obviously getting excited. Njál looked forward, and between the big fir trees his eyes fell upon a long, pretty steep hill. He smirked as he looked back at Glitnir, who tilted his head questioning.
“Just stand up and let him run.” He told the boy, who immediately did as he was told. When Njál looked back at the road and stood up, his horse Jörð began to gallop. As the two horses picked up speed and now galloped side by side, the hill got closer by seconds. Going up the hill felt like flying. Then suddenly, Njál -to Glitnir’s obvious disappointment- took a better hold of Jörð and tried to slow down.
”Whoa, whoa.. Easy girl..” he leant down slightly and whispered the later part into the horse’s ear, which flicked as she listened to her rider. Jörð soon slowed down and peacefully began walking, causing young Kvæsir to do the same.
”Wow, that was so amazing!” Glitnir looked over to Njál, his smile even brighter now. Njál smiled back, licking his lips which had become dry as the wind pined against them up the hill.
”I can’t believe you haven’t ridden before.” he tilted his head slightly, looking over Glitnir as the boy patted his horse.
”Me neither.” the boy laughed a little. ”It’s so much fun! I wish I had my own horse.”


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